1Million Families March For the cure to childhood cancer

Sunday, September 7th, 2025
9.00 AM EST - 3.00PM EST


Marching from the Philadelphia Museum of Art to Philadelphia City Hall

and Livestreaming from everywhere

Details of 1MFM 2025
Coming Soon

The Coalition of Nonprofits

1Million Families March

For The Cure Of Childhood Cancer

Date : September 15, 2024

At City Hall, Philadelphia, PA

Calling All Nonprofits

The Coalition of Nonprofits

1Million Families March

For The Cure Of Childhood Cancer

Date : September 15, 2024

At City Hall, Philadelphia, PA

Calling All Nonprofits

The Coalition of Nonprofits

1Million Families March

For The Cure Of Childhood Cancer

Date : September 15, 2024

At City Hall, Philadelphia, PA

Calling All Nonprofits

1Million Families March 2024

The Goals

The Coalition of Non-Profits

1Million Families March

To RAISE AWARENESS and steer a public discussion of children’s cancer and its devastating, often-overlooked effects on family and/or community’s well-being.

To ADVOCATE  for  an increase of  the allotted  government childhood funding research from  4% to 10%.

To FUNDRAISE 100 million dollars for creating seed funding for a 6-month bill supplemental program for newly diagnosed families that are in need.

The Facts

CANCER is the #1 cause of death by disease for children in America

Every day 42 families learn that their child has cancer – that’s the equivalent of 2 classrooms full of children diagnosed DAILY!

Yet only 4% of federal government cancer research is devoted to pediatric cancer.

Such a disappointing figure, right?

15% of children die within 5 years of diagnosis. St.Jude.org
3 in 10 children will eventually lose their battle with cancer.

For every child lost to cancer, there are 70 potential life years lost.

Survivors have an
8 times greater mortality rate.

Because the patient population for childhood cancer is much smaller than the adult population, private companies do not invest in pediatric cancer research – leaving research and drug development to the federal government and philanthropies. American Cancer Society

More than 95% of childhood cancer survivors will have a significant health related issue lasting well into their adulthood. www.childrenscancercause.org

Only 6 new drugs have been approved exclusively for childhood cancer
in the past 3 decadeswww.acco.org

Cognitive impairment affects up to one-third of childhood cancer survivors.  www.childrenscancercause.org

1 in 5 children who receive a new diagnosis of childhood cancer are already living in poverty.

16% of families will move from above to below the poverty line as a direct result of their child’s cancer diagnosis.
Journal of Clinical
Oncology 2011 29:8,
CANCER is the #1 cause of death by disease for children in America
Every day 42 families learn that their child has cancer – that’s the equivalent of 2 classrooms full of children diagnosed DAILY!

Yet only 4% of federal government cancer research is devoted to pediatric cancer.

Such a disappointing figure, right?

15% of children die within 5 years of diagnosis. St.Jude.org
3 in 10 children will eventually lose their battle with cancer.

For every child lost to cancer, there are 70 potential life years lost.

Survivors have an
8 times greater mortality rate.

Because the patient population for childhood cancer is much smaller than the adult population, private companies do not invest in pediatric cancer research – leaving research and drug development to the federal government and philanthropies. American Cancer Society

More than 95% of childhood cancer survivors will have a significant health related issue lasting well into their adulthood. www.childrenscancercause.org

Only 6 new drugs have been approved exclusively for childhood cancer
in the past 3 decadeswww.acco.org

Cognitive impairment affects up to one-third of childhood cancer survivors.  www.childrenscancercause.org

1 in 5 children who receive a new diagnosis of childhood cancer are already living in poverty.

16% of families will move from above to below the poverty line as a direct result of their child’s cancer diagnosis.
Journal of Clinical
Oncology 2011 29:8,

Let's Paint the USA Yellow September 2024

The Coalition of Nonprofits

1Million Families March

Live streaming throughout the country


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