Ahmad "Captain Poodaman " Butler
Received 05/25/2009, Returned 11/3/2015
On February 4, 2015, Ahmad “Captain Poodaman” Butler first complained that his brain hurt. The next day Ahmad, nicknamed Poodas, by his Mother had emergency surgery to remove a mass on his brain that his family would later find out was a rare form of brain cancer (Ependymoma). Although the surgery left Ahmad partially paralyzed on the left side of his body, what he lost in feeling he gained in spirit. Even throughout his HORRID BATTLE, Ahmad continued to greet everyone he encountered with a warm hello and a smile that lit up a room.
To deal with all the challenges that lie ahead of him, Ahmad’s grandmother renamed him Captain Poodaman. Ahmad adapted to his Superhero Kid alter ego and began to introduce himself as, “Captaaaaaaaain Poodaman” the Superhero Kid. And a superhero kid he was. He showed remarkable bravery as he continued to smile through five surgeries, numerous chemotherapy sessions, hair loss, radiation, complete paralysis, endless needles, countless hospital stays, physical therapy, constant medication, and homeschooling. Nine months, three hours, and 21 minutes after his diagnosis, AHMAD “CAPTAIN POODAMAN” BUTLER succumbed to this horrible disease.
One day Ahmad’s grandmother had to rush him to the hospital. As she ran through red lights fearing this was The Captain’s last moments in his human form and knowing his battle was close to being over. With blood trickling down his nose, and in a frail barely above whisper voice. Ahmad looked up at his grandmother and told her he was going to be a Police officer when he became an adult. He asked, “Grandmom do you think I will be a good Police officer? Will I help a lot of people?”.
Although his Grandmother knew adulthood would never come for Captain Poodaman, and that he would FOREVER BE a six year old Superhero Kid. She praised and encouraged him for choosing such an honorable profession, and said, “Yes baby, you will be a good police officer, and you will help a lot of people”. Her approval of Ahmad’s inspiring adult goals, made him give his grandmother a smile that melted her heart and broke her heart at the same time. Ahmad’s grandmother made a silent promise to her dying grandson that his name, his spirit, his likeness, and his memory will live on to help a lot of people. At that very moment, Forever Captain Poodaman The Ahmad Butler Foundation was born!
Throughout Ahmad’s fight his family encountered “BEAUTIFUL STRANGERS” who restored their faith in humanity. On January 15, 2020 Captain Poodaman’s dreams of “helping a lot of people” were realized. Forever Captain Poodaman! The Ahmad Butler Foundation (ABF) was established as a charitable nonprofit organization with a mission to support children with cancer and other life threatening diseases, while aiding in the improvement of their quality of life. To date ABF has served over 10,000 People.

"In order for humanity to continue to exist, we must care for one another." - ABF

"Will I help a lot of people?”